Development and Implementation of a Geographical Information System of the Ewaso Ng'Iro South River Basin.

Position: Technical Coordinator.
Recipients: Government of Kenya. Ministry of Regional Development Authorities (MoRDA). 2014.

The project aims at the design, development and implementation of a corporate Geographic Information System of the Regional Development Authority of Ewaso Ng’iro South (ENSDA), with destination in the Office of the Headquarters of the ENSDA in Narok. Support and installation of all necessary software and hardware is provided. The activities developed include:

  1. Analysis and Design
    • Analysis of the existing situation
    • Definition of GIS requirements
    • Design of the data model
  2. Development of the GIS
    • Data collection
    • Transformation and Load in the database
    • Development of specific WebGIS application
  3. Implantation and Training
  4. Technical support

The technologies used include:

  • BD: PostgreSQL 9.2 – PostGIS 2.0
  • GIS Server: Geoserver 2.2 / Geonetwork 2.4
  • WebGIS: ExtJS and OpenLayers
  • Desktop GIS: ArcGIS Desktop 10 and QGIS 2.8