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Year Title Recipients Position
2022 PROVISION OF INFORMATION ON SEVERAL STATISTICAL ACTIVITIES OF P.E.C.A. 2013- 2020. Lot 3. Databases of registrations of Andalusian Companies, December 2018 / January 2021. Institute of Statistics and Cartography of Andalusia. Head of project.
2022 Computer technical assistance for the creation of a open spatial database to store and manage the data compiled in the catalog of hydraulic sanitation infrastructures of the Comunidad Valenciana. TYPSA for the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergencies and Ecological Transition. Government of Valencia. Head of project.
2022 Migration of hydrological tools in GIS environment. Guadiana River Basin Authority. Head of project.
2021 Analysis and diagnosis of the needs for bus shelters and proposals for improving accessibility and road safety at public transport stops in the province of Seville, excluding the sphere of competence of the Seville Metropolitan Transport Consortium. 015/2021- SERV. Territorial Delegation of the Regional Ministry of Development, Infrastructure and Territory Planning in Seville. Government of Andalusia. Head of project.
2021 Implementation of improvements in the prediction model of atmospheric phenomena of HELVETIA. HELVETIA COMPAÑÍA SUIZA, S.A. DE SEGUROS Y REASEGUROS. Head of project.
2020 Computer Technical Assistance for updating and digitizing the technical files of thirteen state-owned dams of the Júcar River Basin. TYPSA for the Júcar River Basin Authority. Head of project.
2020 Computer technical assistance in the deployment, management and maintenance of servers, OGC map services and WebGIS viewer for the public exhibition of the review of floodplains of the Júcar River Basin District. TYPSA for Júcar River Basin Authority. Head of project.
2019 Delineation of the water surface and its evolution after the floods of the September 13, 2019 in Vega Baja of the Segura River using remote sensing techniques. TYPSA Head of project.
2019 Study of the evolution of the flooded surface of the Doñana lagoons between November 2017 and November 2018 [CU(PH)-6134]. Guadalquivir River Basin Authority. Hydrologic Planning Office. Head of project.
2018 Smart Bike - Sevilla: Spatio-Temporal Patterns and Predictive Models of the use of Sevici’s bicycles. University of Seville. Author.
2015 SaneaCLM: Information System of Sanitation of Urban Wastewater Treatment in Castilla–La Mancha. Water Agency of Castilla – La Mancha. Head of project.
2014 Development and Implementation of a Geographical Information System of the Ewaso Ng’Iro South River Basin. Government of Kenya. Ministry of Regional Development Authorities (MoRDA). Technical coordinator.
2014 Spatial Data Infrastructure of TYPSA Group. TYPSA Group. Head of project.
2011 Geographic Information System of Groundwater Quality in the Guadalquivir River. Guadalquivir River Basin Authority. Head of project.
2024 Computer application for Bathing Water Profiles of the Guadalquivir Hydrographic Demarcation. TYPSA for Guadalquivir River Basin Authority. Head of project.
2022 Application of Groundwater Reports of the Guadalquivir Hydrographic Demarcation. TYPSA for Guadalquivir River Basin Authority. Head of project.
2022 Web Application for the Report of Stations and Sampling Points of Surface and Underground Waters of the Júcar Hydrographic Demarcation. TYPSA for the Júcar River Basin Authority. Head of project.
2019 Analysis, design and development of the database and query application of Industrial Zones in the Júcar River Basin. TYPSA for the Júcar River Basin Authority. Head of project.
2019 Data update in the GIS J2EE Rustic3A application, on two servers; TYPSA office in Seville and Andalusian Agency for the Environment and Water in Huelva. TYPSA for Andalusian Agency for the Environment and Water. Head of project.
2019 Technical assistance in the development of the general aspects related to Geographic Information Systems in the Hydrological Plan offers of the Ministry of Ecological Transition. TYPSA. Head of project.
2018 Environmental technical assistance in the development of surveillance and inspection offers for dams in the hydrographic demarcations of the Andalusian intra-community basins. TYPSA. Consultant.
2018 Computer technical assistance for the adaptation and configuration of the J2EE application, SaneaCLM, for its deployment in production on the servers of the ICT Service Center of the Junta de Castilla - La Mancha. TYPSA for the Castilla - La Mancha Water Agency. Head of project.
2016 Installation, configuration and deployment of the GIS J2EE application, Rustic3A, on two servers; one at the TYPSA office in Seville and the other at the Andalusian Environment and Water Agency office in Huelva. TYPSA for Andalusian Agency for the Environment and Water. Head of project.
2014 Lower Ewaso Ng’iro South Multipurpose Development Project (LENSDEP): Study of Environmental Flows. Government of Kenya. Ministry of Regional Development Authorities (MoRDA). Head of activity.
2011 Analysis, design and development of a database application of Biological Water Quality of the reservoirs and lakes of the Duero Basin. Tecnoma, S.A. for the Duero Basin Authority. Developer.
2011 Geographic Information System of the Environmental Assessment of the Railway Corridor of the Costa del Sol. Tecnoma, S.A. for Infrastructure Manager Agency of Andalusia. Head of project.
2011 Inventory and registration of the Andalusian Water Agency rural land plots in Huelva. Development of Rustic3a System. Andalusian Water Agency. Developer.
2010 Integration and coordination of flood studies in Andalusia. Andalusian Water Agency. Head of project.
2010 Update and integration of socio-hydrological information database. Guadiana Basin Authority. Head of project.
2010 Information System of Sanitation and Urban Wastewater Treatment in Andalusia (Sanea). Andalusian Water Agency. Head of project.
2009 Standardize the Statistic Activity Technical Projects of the Department of Environment of the Andalusian Administration. EGMASA. Head of project.
2009 Map data correction of 2.882 hunting reserves of the provinces of Almería, Cádiz, Huelva, and Málaga. EGMASA. Head of project.
2009 Information Management and Integration in the project of Design and Evaluation of Continental Waters Quality in Andalusia. Andalusian Water Agency. Head of activity.
2008 Eco cartography study of the North Coast of Grand Canary Island (Las Palmas). Ministry of Environment. Consultant.
2008 Statistical summary of natural flow in the Guadalquivir river basin in the period 1940 – 2006 and allocation to hydrographical network. Guadalquivir Basin Authority. Head of project.
2007 Environmental impact assessment of agri-environmental measures for rural development in Andalusia main agricultural areas. EC - Joint Research Centre - Institute for Environment and Sustainability. Ispra. Head of project.
2007 Technical Assistance to the Public Works Directorate in updating the National Transport Plan of Mauritania. GIS database and statistics services. Rep. Islamic of Mauritania – EC Delegation in Mauritania. Head of activity.
2007 Technical Assistance to the Guadalquivir Basin Authority as European Pilot River Basin in the second phase of implementation of the Water Framework Directive. Guadalquivir Basin Authority. Head of project.
2006 Continuation of the works derived from the implementation of the Water Framework Directive. Guadiana Basin Authority. Head of project.
2006 Correction of the geographical information layer of the hydrographic network of the Guadiana Basin. Guadiana Basin Authority. Head of project.
2006 Water Framework Directive implementation in the Guadalquivir Basin at 2004 horizon. Guadalquivir Basin Authority. Head of project.
2004 Validation and Exploitation of alphanumeric data of Monitoring Networks. Guadiana Basin Authority. Head of project.
2003 Automation of spatial and statistical processes in the GIS of Guadiana Planning Office. Guadiana Basin Authority. Head of project.
2003 Compression of digital image files and load of alphanumeric databases to the GIS of the Office of Hydrological Planning. Guadiana Basin Authority. Head of project.
2004 Debugging of the geographic information layers of the Office of Hydrological Planning for the internal consultation network. Guadiana Basin Authority. Head of project.
2002 Visitor’s statistics in Natural Protected Areas of Andalusia. Pilot Study in Doñana. Regional Ministry of Environment. Government of Andalusia. Head of project
2002 Integration of Taxonomy Information in Land Cover Map for some Natural Protected Areas of Andalusia. Regional Ministry of Environment. Government of Andalusia. Head of project.
2002 Environmental monitoring of the Andévalo Dam works. Guadiana Basin Authority. Consultant.
2002 Manual of environmental prevention procedures in the field of activities of the Guadiana Basin Authority. Guadiana Basin Authority. Consultant.
Geographic Information Systems, Cartography and Data Processing:
2000 Update, statistical exploitation and validation of the cartography of land uses and land cover in Andalusia to the year 1.999. Regional Ministry of Environment. Government of Andalusia. Head of project.
1999 Digitization and load to data base of the sheets E. 1: 50.000 of the map of land cover of Andalusia. Regional Ministry of Environment. Government of Andalusia. Head of project.
1998 Adjustment of the map of land cover of Andalusia to the orthoimage Spot-Pan. E. 1: 50,000. Regional Ministry of Environment. Government of Andalusia. Head of project.
1998 Design and production of a map of vegetation and forest resources of Andalusia from the forest map of spain. Regional Ministry of Environment. Government of Andalusia. Head of project
1997 Methodological development for the production of the Andalusia forest map at scale 1: 400,000. Regional Ministry of Environment. Government of Andalusia. Head of project
1997 Statistical exploitation of the data resulting from the update of the cartography of land cover of Andalusia to the year 1.995. Regional Ministry of Environment. Government of Andalusia. Head of project.
1997 Adaptation of the map of land uses and vegetal coverage of Andalusia 1995 for its incorporation to the Atlas General de Andalucía. Regional Ministry of Environment. Government of Andalusia. Head of project.
1997 Update of the map of land uses and vegetal coverage of Andalusia to year 1975 in the littoral of Andalusia. Project land changes in coastal zones. D.G. XII, C.E.E. Join Research Center. Ispra. University of Seville, Department of Geography. Consultant.
1997 Update of the cartography of land uses and vegetal coverages of andalusia to year 1.995. Regional Ministry of Environment. Government of Andalusia. Head of project
1995 Analysis and assessment of the prototype Corine-Land Cover C.E.E., exploitation of the database of uses and vegetal coverages of the soil of Andalusia. Regional Ministry of Environment. Government of Andalusia. Head of project.
1994 Update of the database: cartography of land use. The Map of occupation of the soil of Andalusia 1.991. Regional Ministry of Environment. Government of Andalusia. Head of project.
Planning in Protected Natural Areas:
1998 Establishment of technical criteria for the planning of natural resources, use and management of the following protected spaces: South Córdoba Natural Reserves (lakes and lagoons), Lagoons of Cádiz Natural Reserves, Fuente de Piedra Lagoon/Saline Natural Reserve, La Breña y Marismas del Barbate’ Natural Park (Mountains and Marshes), Marismas del Odiel Marshes Natural Reserve. PROSER for Regional Ministry of Environment. Government of Andalusia. Consultant.
Environmental impact. Infrastructures:
2000 Environmental study and corrective measures of the construction project of the N-IV. Section Puerto Real - Tres Caminos - S. Fernando. PROSER, S.A. Consultant.
1999 Environmental study and corrective measures of the project of A-381 highway (Jerez - Los Barrios): Sections V and VI. INECO and TYPSA. Consultant.
1999 Environmental study and corrective measures of the project of conditioning of the A-484 from Hinojos to Villamanrique de la Condesa. INSERCO Ingenieros, S.A. Consultant.
1997 Project for the expansion of the comarcal road Almonte - Parador Nacional de Mazagón. Valuation of the fauna and guidelines for the development of corrective actions and environmental surveillance plan. TECNOMA, S.A. Consultant.
1996 Environmental impact study of the informative study of the Jerez - Algeciras highway. Section Alcalá de los Gazules - Los Barrios. INECO. Consultant.
1994 Informative study of the highway Córdoba - Antequera. Environmental impact study: analysis and evaluation of the biotic environment. TECNOMA, S.A. Consultant.
1991 Environmental impact study of the informative study of alternatives of the highway of Mediterranean. Section Nerja - Motril. TYPSA. Consultant.
1990 Environmental impact study of the Algeciras - Jerez de la Frontera highway. Section Alcalá de los Gazules - Medina Sidonia. JBF Ingenieros, S.A. Consultant.
1990 Environmental impact study of the connection road A-49 - N-IV (Huelva-Cádiz). Section Villamanrique de la Condesa - Villafranco del Guadalquivir. INSERCO Ingenieros, S.A. Consultant.
1989 Environmental impact study of the circumvallation highway of Seville. SE-30. JBF Ingenieros, S.A. Consultant.
1989 Complementary works of the new Guadalcacín dam. Environmental impact study of the Guadiaro-Majaceite water transfer project. AYESA. Consultant.
2000 Project of environmental compensation measures of the A-381 highway. Jerez - Los Barrios. Actions related to the water resources of the Los Alcornocales Natural Park. (Cádiz). GIASA. Consultant.
Environmental and landscape restoration:
1999 Projects of landscape restoration of the A-381 highway. Jerez - Los Barrios. Section V and Section VI. INECO and TYPSA. Consultant.
1999 Projects of landscape restoration of the conditioning of the A-484 from Hinojos to Villamanrique de la Condesa. INSERCO Ingenieros, S.A. Consultant.
1989 Gardening project of the walled perimeter of Niebla (Huelva). Park of the wall. City council of Niebla. Consultant.
Urban Planning and Environmental Impact:
2000 Environmental impact study of the General Urban Ordination Plan of Chipiona. Cádiz. City council of Chipiona. Consultant.
1994 Environmental impact study of the Urbanistic Subsidiary Norms of Gines. Sevilla. City council of Gines. Consultant.
1990 Environmental study, diagnostic and regulations for the revision of Subsidiary Norms in non-Urbanizable Soil of the municipal territory of Montoro. Córdoba. City council of Montoro Consultant.
1990 Special Protection Plan “Virgen de la Cabeza”. Study of the biophysical environment: analysis, diagnosis and assessment. Jaén. City council of Andújar. Consultant.
1989 Ecological study and recommendations of ordination for the Special Plan of Ordination and Regeneration of the Littoral of Sanlúcar de Barrameda. Cádiz. City council Sanlúcar de Barrameda. Consultant.
1989 Environmental study for the General Urban Ordination Plan of Andújar. Jaén. City council of Andújar. Consultant.

Talks & Workshops


I have taught the following courses:

  • Programming in R” (24h). Idexa Formación for the Housing and Rehabilitation Agency of Andalusia (AVRA). Seville, 2023.

  • Introduction to gvSIG” (8h). TYPSA. Seville, 2009.

  • Integrated Analysis of Spatial Data and Attributes” (4h). Course: GIS as a Tool of Management in Agricultural Sector. EOI – ASAJA. Seville, 2003 and 2004.

  • Spectral features of the earth surface” (4h). Course: GIS as a Management Tool in Agricultural Sector. EOI – ASAJA. Seville, 2003.

  • Vegetation conditioning and correction of landscape and ecological impacts in highways and roads” (4h). Landscape Engineering Course - Control of erosion. Center of Agricultural Research and Training (CIFA) of Palma del Río. Cordova, 2001 and 2002.

  • Analysis of the landscape’s structure in the environmental impact study of an agrarian transformation project” (1h). Course on Landscape Assessment in the Environmental Impact Studies and Territorial Planning. Practical experiences. Official College of Biologists. Seville, 1994.